Tuesday, June 16, 2015



By M.J. Hatch, creator of Detective Jake Swanson and
the Murder Most. . . series of books

It’s funny how sometimes superstitions have a way of intruding unbidden into our daily lives and even our dreams to forestall our aspirations. These beliefs are so strong that sometimes we bring our fears into reality. I found that as I transitioned from attorney to author, that some of these superstitions really got in my way. Do they for you?

We believe that if we spill salt we need to throw some over our left shoulder to either to throw salt into the eye of the Devil, or to placate him with a rare commodity. As to purses on the floor—well, we ladies know that with our purse on the floor we will soon be broke either because the money runs out onto the floor, or because we have disrespected the funds. In either case, we are taught to BEWARE!

Within the last year I have come face-to-face with another superstition that seems to be haunting the Detective Jake Swanson TV series—don’t talk about something until the deal is signed because it will dissipate the good fortune!

ARRRGGG! Guilty, guilty, guilty! I was so excited to share with everyone the excitement of bringing my favorite character to life that I completely blew by the constant warnings of my husband not to talk about something until it is brought to fruition. Ever since I began blogging about the possibility of the series weird things have happened to stall it. (Oh, that’s another blog, so stay tuned for that)

So, no more updates about TV, but rather let me introduce you to the characters in the Murder Most. . . series of books, #Murder Most Blonde; and #Murder Most Judgmental; with Murder Most Merry coming in early in 2016.

#Detective Jake Swanson and his partner Melissa Sanchez people these books, with the city of #Newport Beach being the main character—because who doesn’t like to laugh and point at the foibles of the very rich and wished-they-were rich? Join them and the others of the Newport Beach Police Department as they traverse this über wealthy city by the bay catching the rich doing incredibly vile things, including #murder.

Stay tuned, as they say, it’s going to be a great journey. 

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